The Gdisk tool will not let you define overlapping partitions. Your OS X partitions ends at 858777823, Recovery HD starts on the next byte.
The start of 781864960, as discovered by Testdisk, is sitting in your main OS X partition. My suspicion is that the Yosemite upgrade has a bug in calculating the correct placement of partition headers, causing such problems.
This is the first time I have seen Testdisk point inside the OS X partition. To get your Windows partition back, there are the following implications
1. You will lose your RecoveryHD, but it can be recreated once Windows is working, by re-installing Yosemite (without touching any of your files).
2. You will also
a. either lose all of your OSX partition, or,
b. at least parts of it, which starts at 781864960 and currently ends at 858777823. This can compromise your OS X partition.
Before any of this is done, you should backup OS X using Time Machine or some other tool.
Another option is to look at a tool called PhotoRec (referenced on the Testdisk web page), extract all your files from this start/end/size found by Testdisk, and remove Windows after you confirm that you have all files you need, and re-install Windows and all your software from scratch .
You need to decide which path should be pursued further.