Two weeks ago my bright and shiny new iMac 27 i7 5K Retina arrived, with 1TB Flash drive and 32GB memory—no holds barred. I'm in the tech field so I have robust needs and way too many programs installed, including upwards of 20 helpers in the System Menu. Just a few days into my reinstalling everything from my outgoing Mavericks > Yosemite iMac (no migration on the new machine, just a fresh start) problems identical to those described here began—and haven't stopped.
Mail is up 24/7, including SpamSieve and MailHub add-ons. Even when many apps were open for my normal work, I'd have a good 20GB free memory. But somewhere around Day 3 symptoms of the issues began with a "stuttering" latency when dragging windows, or shifting desktop spaces, a lag of sorts, surprising given the abundant RAM and processor speed, but something I'd seen reported on Yosemite's roll-out, though I hadn't noticed it during my many months of beta testing.
From "stuttering" windows I could actually watch my Memory Clean status plummet from ±20GB to around 15MB, and huge spikes in memory pressure, as this appeared on my screen repeatedly over the past two weeks:
Then the machine locked up. This happened with regular frequency through the day, sometimes a dozen times a day. The longest I went without seeing it was 1.5 days—but it made up for its absence by making it impossible for me to get 15 good minutes before freezing up again. Vizzini's voice rang in my head, "Inconceivable!"
Apple Tech Support, Tier 2/3, didn't understand it, but tried to help me debug it over several days, watching it occur live on screen sharing. They elevated it to "the engineering team," but I haven't heard back for several more days now, having sent in screen snaps of every possible image that might help: activity monitor, console and system crash logs, everything.
Then I found this page.
So, since I have two GoDaddy accounts I checked the IMAP settings and, as expected, my SSL ports had changed to 143. Heeding the advice of all here, I reset Mail settings as advised, and so far have had NO issues at all. I will continue to monitor and report, but if that's what's causing it, I'm sure your sleuthing will help a whole lot of folks, including me. I'm already grateful for a few hours of up time.