When iPhone calling from Mac, how do I get a touch tone keypad?
When iPhone calling from Mac, how do I get a touch tone keypad?
I love the feature where I can use my Mac to call through my iPhone. (which is usually quietly charging behind me)
One small oversight that I see with the feature (unless someone can enlighten me about something I missed), is that many folks these days are calling into conference bridges or businesses where they are instantly faced with the dreaded Voice Response Unit (VRU). (You know... "Press 1 for X, Press 2 for Y, Press 0 or hold the line to wait an eternity for a human to answer.") Once the call is made, I see no provision to allow me to press the phone keys on my Mac. I have to resort to, you guessed it... picking up the iPhone and pressing the keys. This kind of defeats the purpose of the feature. (not "kind of", it does)
Did I miss something and if so could someone point me to where I can get a keypad to display and use? If I didn't miss something it would be great (read as "necessary/required/how did you miss this?") if the next Yosemite .1 release included a simple function for remotely pressing the phone keys.
Facetime via iPhone-OTHER, iOS 8.1, Facetime via iPhone