How to downgrade itunes to 12 to 11.4 in windows 7 64 bit?
I HATE itunes 12! Among other reasons, it changed the name I gave my iphone 6+ to just "iphone," which renders my phone undiscoverable by any of my blue tooth devices until I set them all up again using the new name...and I can't find a way to change the name of the phone back to what it was....I can't even get to the phone "pages" in itunes! And that's just the "first verse" in my litany of complaints. I won't bore you with the rest, but I really NEED to get rid of this thing...and I will NEVER upgrade again without first finding out whether people like it or not!
So how do I get rid of 12 and reinstall 11.4 in Windows 7 64 bit without also restoring the phone to factory settings??? I'll even do that if it's the only way, but I'd rather not. The version in my downloads file is I uninstall 12 and install it, itunes will want to "upgrade" it, but will go directly to 12. So where do I find a downloadable 11.4?
Help will REALLY be appreciated!
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.0.2