internal error 2229, Launch Condition, SELECT "Condition", ·Description" FROM "Launch Condition"
good gracious. that's a new one on me, and i can't come up with relevant information searching at Microsoft. so let's try getting an installer log to the Apple engineers so they can have a look at it.
1. Open a command prompt window. (Start menu -> Run. Type in "cmd". Hit return.)
2. Drag and drop iTunesSetup.exe onto the window so that the full pathname of the file is at the command line prompt.
3. Type in a space, then the following line:
/l*v C:\log.txt
4. Hit return.
5. The installer will create a log file:
Find that file and
send it as an attachment to this email address in the email to Roy, be sure to include the following information:
- A link to the thread on Apple Discussions where the issue is being discussed
- The username you are using in the thread
- The version of iTunes you are using or trying to use
- A concise description of the issue you are seeing
- The exact text of the error message you are seeing