Can I disable or remove system fonts?
Font Book won't let me disable a ton of typefaces that I have no need for. Avenir is the worst offender with 36 variants that I have to scroll through on every font menu I use. Then there's Arial Hebrew and Arial Hebrew Scholar which I will never use (Hebrew language support has been disabled). There are also a bunch of Asian fonts (Heiti, Hiragino, Kohinoor) that I don't need.
At the bottom of the font list, there are a dozen typefaces whose names all start with STIX that are disabled in Font Book, but that still show up in the font menus for Office. Not sure if that is an Office problem or a problem with Font Book.
Can I safely remove any of these fonts? Maybe just get rid of some of the variations? Like the Black and Heavy versions of Avenir?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)