I Finally Managed to get rid of "Mackeeper" and "Dynamic Pricer" POP Ups
This is actually not a question.
I was suffering for months now...It became totally impossible for me to open Safari without immediately being submerged by "Mackeeper" or "Dynamic Pricer" pop-ups.
I searched for a solution to get rid of Mackeeper for months without success: ( Please refer to the link for better description of the problem Do not install MacKeeper)
I totally had given up finding a solution for Mackeeper, until i accidentally came across a Free SW (adware) called AdwareMedic while I was trying to get rid of "Dynamic Pricer".
It actually solved both my problems ...
Am so excited that I decided to share this great finding.
I hope that those who have been infected by these malware will appreciate the hint.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Malware; Mackeeper, Dynamic Pricer