BIG font problem involving Linotype FontExplorer X & Extensis Suitcase 10.2
So, I uninstalled FEX according to Linotype's instructions which are very through. FEX had moved most of my fonts to a Linotype library in a nice tidy fashion, so I put them back into my main Fonts folder located on my hard drive. Next, I opened up Suitcase to go through the process of adding all my fonts again so as to have access to them in OS9 and OSX. Well, of course there has to be a PROBLEM!
I can Add fonts into Suitcase, but when I attempt to activate them, I get the following message;
"There are fonts in the suitcase 'Font Name' that conflict with fonts in the System Fonts folder. You must remove the fonts from the System Fonts folder and restart before you can activate these fonts with Suitcase."
Okay! So I have looked into the aforementioned folder, and find no sign of any fonts with same names or that would appear to be conflicting, there, or in any other Fonts folder in the Library, username Library, or the Classic OS9 System Folder, so I have NO IDEA as to what is going on at all. All I know is that;
1/ No longer have access to any fonts
2/ When FEX created its' own library(which it appears to have done a very nice, clean and through job of), it grabbed fonts from everywhere on my machine, System fonts and all. As mentioned above, when Uninstalling FEX as directed by Linotype's instructions, I replaced all the fonts it had cataloged in the Linotype library back into my main Fonts folder. Now I have a silly big font list in there, because FEX grabbed fonts of names and places that I have never seen or heard of before, including many duplicates and triplicates now.
So, I need to know how to remedy this problem, and how to clean up my Fonts folder in terms of can I throw away all those repeat fonts. I have included links below to screen shots of my Fonts library as it stands now. Thanking in advance those who are able to assist in resolving my problem.






Dual 1.25Ghz G4, Mac OS X (10.4.3)