Calendar: Not syncing repeating event updates in 10.10.1
This is an issue that I noticed and reported during the beta that seems to have continued into the full version.
I have about 30 calendars, one for each bill (and misc). Each bill is set to repeat monthly.
In the past, I'd just paste in the confimation into this month's event, tell it to only update that particular one, then it would replicate to all my devices.
Since Yosemite, this does not happen. I've lost a lot of information before I caught it.
This is happening on a Mac mini (home Mac) and a Mac I use at work and JUST set up with a fresh install of Yosemite.
I have un-synced calendars to my Macs, re-synced, but any updates to repeating events never hit - if I make a non-repeating one-off event, it goes through.
I have made entirely new calendars in case it was the calendar itself, but a brand new one I just made (that repeats on the 1st of every month) wouldn't replicate to iCloud. It will show the data in the event until I close Calendar and re-launch it. Then it's gone, like it never was there.
I've also noticed that on my iPhone 6+ (8.1.1), even though everything is set to Push, I have to manually pull down on Calendars (in the Calendars option) to have it refresh and pull down new calendars and changes. Same thing on the iPhone in regard to repeating events, too. I have great cellular and Wi-Fi connections, so that is not the issue.
I feel I'm back in MobileMe days when I constantly had this issue and thought iCloud was a god-send. Now, I'm wondering what to do.
Thanks in advance.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), i7, 8GB, 750GB