Back 🙂, found further discussions and noticed that you have contributed a lot, thanks.I see that the upgrade is around 5.5G so that cuts me out with only 6G per Month.
I've also noticed with mail (1 account added with only 14 small emails) that the usage each time I logged on was around 78MB which is unasseptable as some would say. Also when logging on to apple to check for yosemite, safari usage was 6.8 MB which also seems excessive...
If the following is/was true and the time limit was increased to anything under around 30 mins it wouldn't solve my problem as my speed is really slow and based on past experience 30 MB takes around 30 Mins.
Steffel Dec 10, 2013 6:44 AM
Re: OCSP Service using up quite a bit of bandwidth in response to emlynuk
Hi All,
have you seen this thread:
It seems that which is part of the ocspd process tries to download a 35MB file but only keeps the connection alive for about 7 seconds. This time is too short for most of the Internet conncetions to receive the full file, so the system seems to try to get the full file again and again (for 7 seconds). Some users report they have seen up to 50 times the attempt to download this file resulting in 1GB of traffic per day.
On our server, this problem still seems to be persisting. It does not seem to be solved yet and I guess this will have to be adressed with a system update.
For us this isn't a problem as we have a real Internet flatrate, but what about all the mass of people with a limited data plan in the rest of the world? I don't understand why this isn't even commented by Apple.
This is getting Windows like! ;-)