Screen coating of the macbook pro retina 13 coming off
Hi everyone,
I bought a macbook pro retina 13 in Portugal about 10 month ago.
2 days ago I started to notice that in the left upper corner of the screen, where are the black stripes, the colour was becoming diferent, as if the protection of the screen was coming off. I began to try to clean it better and I realized that the problem was becoming even worse. I´ve never used any type of product to clean the screen. Only a bit of water, and it wasn´t even the case that time. I have seen that this problem has happened to many people with their new maccbook pro retina.
I bought yesterday the computer to the store where I've made the purchase.
I'm waiting to see the solution for this problem. This wasn´t caused by me. Is this a screen problem? Is anyone having the same problem? The apple waranty cover this?
Thank you
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), screen issues