Hi all,
I ran into a similar issue trying to install windows 8.1 on the latest 13 MacBook pro (the forcetouch trackpad one) and i also got caught in a loop of errors between EFI being formatted incorrectly as ntfs instead of fat32 as well as an error that said I had an MBR table.
I Succeeded eventually by following this tutorial which installs windows from the MacBook pro's native EFI and requires diskpart commands;
http://thetecherra.com/2012/12/11/tutorial-install-windows-8-on-a-mac-via-native -efi/
I Actually followed the steps starting from the steps where you install windows so I didnt even wipe my os x clean!(I was lucky or something).
additionally, I left unallocated space for windows before beginning and I used gdisk to create/fix my disc's protective MBR before i followed the tutorial above from the instructions to install windows.. windows booted and installed on my macbook without a problem and I did not have the black screen problem so I didn't need to follow the remainder of his tutorial to fix the black screen. I found gdisk / creating the protective MBR tip from this forum;
http://superuser.com/questions/508026/windows-detects-gpt-disk-as-mbr-in-efi-boo t/508454#508454
i installed the boot camp drivers from the USB bootcamp had made when I tried and failed to use boot camp assistant.
Everything works elegantly down to the Intel iris graphics on multiple screens and I do agree that windows looks great with a retina display. almost better than os x if windows wasnt as simple to navigate as OS X.
cheers, I hope this saves someone a few headaches as I spent several evenings trying to get windows installed. a tip I would offer before attempting is to definitely backup your drive,(I lucked out) and to calculate your windows partition size accurately in MB beforehand so that you use your entire disk and give diskpart the appropriate size so you don't end up with free space your windows partition could have enjoyed.