Force wifi to specific BBSID. (force 5ghz)
I've been trying to find a solution for last two days about a problem I found using Yosemite on my Macbook Air.
I'm sometimes in conferences where there are a lot of people connected to the same router (which is probably the closest determined by every OS) and this router has the same name where ever you go in the building, so anywhere you go you get instant connected to it. Problem is that in conference rooms everyone seems to be connected to the same router which becomes really slow.
There I decided to think: What if I force my mac to connect to another router (others are not that far) maybe I will get a better connection and will not get my VPN disconnected every 5 minutes.
So I did search over the internet and first found the following commands:
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport --associate=XXX --bssid=YYY
xxx= SSID/network name yyy= BSSID
The problem is that this command won't work on OS X versions before OS X 10.6, I get an error like (invalid command --associate)... (alright......)
So I found another guy who talked about forcing to connect to a specific canal using this command (let's start some annoying fixing ok..):
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport --channel=num
num= the canal number (ex: 6, 12, 1)
I did try that last one, without any success.
I'm currently at home, my ISP is Orange and we get a router that supports 2.4 and 5ghz at the same time on different canals but both use the same SSID/network name. When I get close to my router and restart wifi my mac will connect to 5ghz, but when I will go farer and get a -70 RSSI (or more) it will automatically connect to 2.4ghz.
Some people said that they contacted Apple support and this one said that there was no way to connect to connect to the BSSID you want, this is like that.
Can someone confirm?
What came in my mind is: Am I safe?
What annoys me on my macbook is that when I open it, it wakes up and immediately connect to Wifi routers I previously logged on, but ONLY using SSID (network name)!!!
(ex: I can connect to McDonalds public wifi hotspot from one place, if I go to another McDonald it will automatically connect to that one!)
So immediately you think: What if a hacker creates a fake wifi hotspot with name "Company XXX Wifi", my macbook will probably get connected to it (my company has no wifi password) and what if that hacker is rooting this hotspot to the real company one which gets internet/intranet, I will open safari and browse personal informations without even knowing I'm on the fake hotspot! and all my data will go clearly through the hacker)
I can understand it is easier to make it work this way, but what about enterprises?
Is there is a way first, to disable that insecure "auto-connect to known SSID" feature but BSSID instead? (even if it is spoof-able but it makes a layer of protection against hackers kiddies)
Or even to have to choose to connect back or not when you open your computer from sleep?
And of course: How the **** do you select a specific network that has the same name?!
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)