Bonjour/zeroconf via VPN
Trying to set up the VPN server to access my home network when away. After switching it on, configuring my MacBook, and connecting from an outside network, I was surprised not to see any Bonjour services advertised (e.g., in the Finder sidebar); nor was I able to resolve "Foo.local" host names, the way I would be able to on my home network. I could still connect to things with a local IP address (10.0.21.*), so the basic connection seemed to be working.
Is this expected behavior?
IF SO, are there any settings I can use, extra utilities I can install, etc., to enable access to Bonjour services via a VPN connection? It would be a shame if it's not possible, since almost everything on my local network is accessed with Bonjour. I guess the alternative is to assign well-known IP addresses to everything and manually connect to those as needed. Yuck.
IF NOT, what are likely explanations for what's going wrong? I'm aware of the potential for conflicts between IP ranges, and confirmed that the two ranges were different (10.0.0.* at the remote site, 10.0.21.* in my home network). I tried reordering the services in my MacBook's System Preferences (under "Network") so that the VPN was first, or last, but that didn't seem to help. Maybe there's just something obvious I'm overlooking?
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)