Thunderbolt Display "Dust" under LED...Ruined in 12 months
At the 13 month mark of owning a $1000 (worth noting how expensive this is) Thunderbolt Display I noticed some marking on the screen. Took it into an Apple Store and was told it was dust, or more likely smoke. The guy suggested that I not smoke around my display and that I keep the pets away. Uh, I've never smoked a day in my life and we do not own any pets. Our house is actually very clean. There are never any windows open in my office etc.
Luckily my credit card doubled the standard Apple warranty and I'm getting a new LED screen ($950 regular cost) for free. However, I can pretty much guarantee that this same thing will happen to my new LED and I'll be screwed.
I don't think it's dust because it was barely noticeable 30 days it's much, much worse. So it's increasing exponentially. One theory that I've read online is that the monitor is getting too hot and smoke is accumulating on the LED. That would make more sense to me, but I'm just a consumer with virtually no technical knowledge.
Anyone have any luck getting Apple to fix this obvious defect?
See photo...anyone else have this?