how to scan an iphone for a virus or malware
how can I scan my iPhone 4s to see if its infected with a virus or malware..? I am using ios 8.1.3 any help would be appreciated thanks.
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.2, at@t
how can I scan my iPhone 4s to see if its infected with a virus or malware..? I am using ios 8.1.3 any help would be appreciated thanks.
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.2, at@t
You basically can’t; unless it’s been jailbroken, there won’t be any malware on it.
Thanks I haven't jail broken it..I was concerned because while searching the internet it was directing me to different sites without selecting that actual site and doing a few other strange things..
Some sites have redirects coded in the HTML. It is common for a nefarious site to have a domain name & page that appear "innocent" sounding when you see the URL, and that URL has a redirect in the header where you never see that page at all.
Redirects are handy for web authors when the change their site architecture. Bookmarks & links from other sites might become obsolete. Apple even has a few... try actually redirects to
You are OK with virus/malware, but falling prey to clever thieves using very basic HTML.
jeremy jag wrote:
Thanks I haven't jail broken it..I was concerned because while searching the internet it was directing me to different sites without selecting that actual site and doing a few other strange things..
This may be the result of being connected to a hacked network. See:
ok thanks to all that responded to my question it has been very helpful and is very mech appreciated thanks..
how to scan an iphone for a virus or malware