Hi jfnall,
I am in a similar situation so I wrote a script that addresses it. Here is my set up:

I have my popups in column A of sales. I have just added Byron to my contacts and want to update the popups in sales starting with row 3. Note the footer row in contacts. Since the script copies the last cell in the row I want it to stay empty.
The script:
-- This script converts column A in one table into an alphabetized list of popups. It copies the last cell in that column, then reverts the column to text. It then refreshes popups in column A of a data table starting with a user defined row.
property DataEntrySheet : "Sheet 1" --name of sheet with popups to be refreshed
property DataEntryTable : "Sales" --name of table with popups to be refreshed
set copyRange to {}
property PopValueSheet : "Sheet 1" --name of sheet with popup values table
property PopValueTable : "Contacts" --name of table with popup values
set PopStartRow to {}
tell application "Numbers"
set d to front document
set ps to d'ssheetPopValueSheet
set pt to ps'stablePopValueTable
set s to d'ssheetDataEntrySheet
set t to s'stableDataEntryTable
set tf to t'sfiltered--this records filter setting on data Entry Table
display dialog "Start from row #..." default answer "" with icon 1 -- with icon file "Path:to:my.icon.icns" --a Week # row
set PopStartRow to {text returned of result}
tell pt--convert list to alphabetized popups
set ptRows to count rows
set copyRange to ("A2:" & name of cell ptRows of column "A")
set selection range to rangecopyRange
set selection range'sformat to text
sortbycolumn 1 directionascending
set selection range'sformat to pop up menu
-- popupsmade
set selection range to cell ptRows of column 1 of pt
set v to value of cell ptRows of pt
end tell
activateapplication "Numbers"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down
tell pt
set selection range to rangecopyRange
set selection range'sformat to text
end tell
tell t
set filtered to false
set tRows to count rows
set pasteRange to ((name of cell PopStartRow of column "A") & ":" & (name of cell tRows of column "A"))
set selection range to rangepasteRange
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down
set filtered to tf
end tell
end tell
Open your Applescript Editor (I think it is Script Editor in Yosemite) and paste this script in. I set my Script Editor to show up in the menu bar and run scripts right from there.
You need to make sure that the 4 properties at the beginning of the script agree with your setup. Your customer table may be my contacts table and it may not be on the same sheet. When you run the script it will ask you where you want to start with the refreashed popups. It will overwrite any cells starting with the row you designate.
This is a generic version of the script I made for myself. Let me know how it works for you.