Anyone Using ActionTec MoCA Adapters To Connect Apple TV?
I would like to have the option to connect my new Apple TV to the ethernet connection on it, even though the WiFi connection to the Apple TV works well.
I'm less sure about how to run an ethernet line from my iMac modem to the Apple TV, with-out having to use an ethernet "splitter" …. but also because I
don't want to run an new 50'-60' ethernet line throughout the house (in the basement).
I've done some reading where MoCA might be the answer to connect the ethernet, using my existing TimeWarner cable. The ethernet signal can be sent directly through the internet/TV cable already installed between the TV (and Apple TV), and the iMac.
I'm not sure if I would need two individual ActionTec adapters, or if one will do the job. I'm also still a little "fuzzy" on what the set-up would look like.
I have one master TV/Internet cable coming into the house (TimeWarner), with a cable splitter in the basement that splits the cable line …. one line to the iMac (Internet Modem), and one line that goes directly into the TV cable box.
As I look into this more, I would still appreciate any detailed information from anyone using a similar MoCA adapter to obtain an ethernet line to their Apple TV.
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Apple TV, iPhone 4S