I ordered a black sport with black band 42mm on June 2nd and still have delivery window of 24-30 of June. I have not seen any change or update in the dates. Following these threads, it looks like those who ordered the last weekend of May are now shipping so you and I should be next. HOWEVER, Apple announced that they are pushing shippments for those who ordered through May and then will begin selling in stores. I am concerned that the reason for us being a few more weeks out is for the next two weeks, they will ship millions of units to the store THEN ship ours.
As soon as they go on sale at the store, I will just walk in and buy it. Then return the one I am waiting on! I hope to get this delivered before it hits stores though! Plus I have a few 5ks coming up. I would love to use this watch BEFORE then (5k in 9 days!)