A sample AppleScript and some technical observations on Photos
While I've had my own fair share of issues with Photos, I'm overall very happy with it. But I have noticed some quirks, so I thought I'd share them and also share an AppleScript I wrote to help out on some other discussions.
- Don't add a KeyWord to more than 1,000 photos at a time as a precaution. Photos crashed when I tried a huge huge number! And it didn't recover, so good job I use Time Machine religiously.
I've found KeyWord updates in chunks of around 750 to be the best optimum
- Talking of Time Machine, I'd noticed that it doesn't backup the database files. I was going to try and research this, but when I lost 80% of my library (see point 1 above), it restored just fine.
- After restoring, and starting Photos, it displays a message knowing it has been restored, and does some re-building of the database. But it was a perfect copy. So, kudos to Apple for at least not losing me my library!
- On the two occasions in my life I have had to restore (one with iPhoto and the recent one with Photos), I find that the restore in Time Machine takes forever. So, I heartedly recommend this tip to use terminal to restore the library. With a USB3 hard drive, I restored an 85 GB library in around 25 minutes. Stack Exchange
- Smart Albums are not visible to AppleScript
- When changing or adding a title to an item in Photos, the change is not written to the database until you close Photos. Might be a good idea to close and reopen often if you are doing this much.
- I got loads of duplicates when I converted my iPhoto Library. It was a combination of a sync problem I had with PhotoStream and thousands of Zombie files that were hidden in my iPhoto package and imported into Photos during the conversion.
- I've been playing with AppleScript to help me tidy up my library. I wrote one script for another discussion, but I share it here, because it will give those that use AppleScript as an amateur (like myself) some clues on how to get a media item and do something with it.
The documentation says that you can also process moments, but I haven't got that far yet!
I'll share the script and link in a separate post to make it easier to read!
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.3)