Hello Cheryl,
So we may not be talking about the same laptop here. This is the new "MacBook" section, the all new designed laptop /w 12" retina display Apple released about a month and a half ago. There is no fan on the MacBook. You must be using either the MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, but lets see what we can do,
You listed a decent amount of apps Do you have them all running at once? that's going to drain your battery. Further, simply clicking the red x on the top left does not completely close the app in many cases. Look at your dock; do you see a little dot under any of the icons? That dot mean the app is still running in the background, similar to how the iPhone works when you open another app, it does not close the first one unless you forcibly do it manually.
Here, Safari and FireFox are closed, but Chrome is not.
To forcibly close an app, right click it in the doc and select quit
Another thing i'd recommend is using a different browser. Safari is only "okay" on most sites, and as a developer myself, i promise performance on Safari comes last on the list. Many sites, including twitter, Safari has a harder time rendering, and just burns more CPU cycles then say Chrome.
I see you're using Mail too, which unlike Outlook on Exchange (assuming exchange for you) it polls the internet for new messages every n minutes, causing a hit to wifi and that app.
I'm not big on twitter, not sure how much having that run plays a role.
A last thing you can do is use Activity Monitor to see if anything is using an odd amount of resources on you. Go to Finder > Utilities > Activity Monitor. As you can see there is a lot going on, but at the very top left of your screen go to View > Windowed Processes; much better:
Go through the tabs too and see if anything sticks out.
Good luck!!!