With Activity Monitor open, "Activity Runner shows up when I launch the script from the Photos > Services menu. It goes away as soon as I get the error message:
If I open Automator (with Photos open and the photos still selected), Automator is shown in Activity Monitor and stays there until I close it (as it should). If I execute the workflow from Automator I get a different error message:
Since the script worked fine with a small, test Photos library, the problem is probably with the default Photos library (which is now named "Default Library (rebuilt)").
I get a nice collection of Console messages while doing this:
4/26/15 2:30:07.615 PM WorkflowServiceRunner[3005]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
4/26/15 2:30:07.615 PM WorkflowServiceRunner[3005]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
4/26/15 2:30:07.650 PM WorkflowServiceRunner[3005]: -[AMApplicationRegistry loadDefinitionAtURL:]: No application name for definition at URL file:///Library/Automator/Office.definition/
4/26/15 2:30:07.650 PM WorkflowServiceRunner[3005]: -[AMApplicationRegistry _loadDefinitionsAtURLS:]: Failed to load definition at URL file:///Library/Automator/Office.definition/
4/26/15 2:30:07.724 PM Automator Runner[3006]: -[AMApplicationRegistry loadDefinitionAtURL:]: No application name for definition at URL file:///Library/Automator/Office.definition/
4/26/15 2:30:07.724 PM Automator Runner[3006]: -[AMApplicationRegistry _loadDefinitionsAtURLS:]: Failed to load definition at URL file:///Library/Automator/Office.definition/
4/26/15 2:30:16.659 PM Photos[2997]: An exception was thrown during execution of an NSScriptCommand...
4/26/15 2:30:16.659 PM Photos[2997]: *** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 48158 beyond bounds for empty array
4/26/15 2:30:17.084 PM WorkflowServiceRunner[3005]: WorkflowServiceRunner received error running Workflow Service at /Users/Jay/Library/Services/Batch Change Titles.workflow: The action “Run AppleScript” encountered an error.
The messages at 2:30:07 are from running the workflow from Automator, the others are from running the scrips from Photos > Services.