How do I find the correlation coefficient
I had to create a scatter plot for my statistics class and it will not show me my correlation coefficient. I am new to numbers and do not have excel. Someone please help!!
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.2
I had to create a scatter plot for my statistics class and it will not show me my correlation coefficient. I am new to numbers and do not have excel. Someone please help!!
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.2
While I'm sure it's too late for the guy who asked the question, here is the answer for future folks:
R^2 is the Coefficient of Determination, and is related, but not the same thing as the Linear Correlation Coefficient (usually represented as 'r').
The LCC is found in Numbers with the "=CORELL()" function.
While I'm sure it's too late for the guy who asked the question, here is the answer for future folks:
R^2 is the Coefficient of Determination, and is related, but not the same thing as the Linear Correlation Coefficient (usually represented as 'r').
The LCC is found in Numbers with the "=CORELL()" function.
Yeah, absolutely. The r value represents suggestion of a linear relationship in the data. 1 or -1 would represent a perfect positive or negative linear relationship (which is ideal and basically impossible in real life). In rough terms R^2 represents the strength of your linear model as a percentage.
How do you move the data to an open area of the chart? I was able to highlight it, but I couldn't move it.
Thanks! But does anyone know how to easily obtain the corresponding p-value? Is there a formula for that as well?
How do I find the correlation coefficient