Movie export results in "Share Failed" and "Error: this is null!"
I have tried repeatedly to export a project to a file. In total, it's only 17 minutes of video. The steps I take are:
1. File > Share > File
2. I accept the defaults:
"Format: Video and Audio"
"Resolution:1920 x 1080"
"Quality: High"
3. Click the "Next" button
The n iMove sits for a bit and shows an empty circle in the upper-right corner. After a few minutes, I get the error in the upper right:
Share Failed.
Exporting "Movie Title" has failed.
When I click "Details" to get more information, the following dialog box appears:
Exporting "Movie Title" has failed."
Error: this is null!
That's it. No information, nothing I can use to troubleshoot
Computer specs: iMac, 3.5 GHz Intel Core i&, 32 GB 15600 Mz DDR3 memory
The disk shows 1.71 TB free.
Anyone else experiencing this issue?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 3GHz / 4 GB RAM / 18 TB DroboPro