Adding Photo Stream photos into Photos
How do I import Photo Stream into Photos so I can delete them from my phone?
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.3)
How do I import Photo Stream into Photos so I can delete them from my phone?
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.3)
How do I import Photo Stream into Photos so I can delete them from my phone?
Do you have iCloud Photo Library enabled on your Mac or not?
How do I import Photo Stream into Photos so I can delete them from my phone?
Do you have iCloud Photo Library enabled on your Mac or not?
So the Photo Stream photos are automatically saved to disc? And it's safe to delete them from the phone?
Well you didn't say whether or not you are using the iCloud Photo Library.
If you are, then deleting a photo on a device with iCloud Photo Library will delete it from iCloud and all devices using the iCloud Photo Library.
Assuming you are not using the iCloud Photo Library and you have PhotoStream enabled on you iPhone and Computer, the pictures you take on your iPhone will automatically upload to PhotoStream. They will be put on any device with PhotoStream enabled automatically, but the device needs to be active to load the photos from PhotoStream. The Photos application doesn't have to be open on a computer, but the computer does need to be active and connected to the internet.
Since the photo was taken on an iPhone, deleting it from the phone will also delete it from PhotoStream. So, be sure the photos get loaded to all devices you want them on before you delete it from the camera roll on the iPhone.
Photos is *not* connected to my iCloud photo library.
All I want is to get photos in my Photo Stream on my iMac's hard drive so it's safe to delete them from my phone.
Enable PhotoStream on the iPhone and the computer. They will automatically upload to the Photos app. Verify they are on the computer, then delete them from the iPhone.
My Photo Stream is no longer as versatile on Photos, as it used to be in iPhoto. When you enable it on both your iPhone and your Mac, any new photos you add to your mac's Photos Library will also upload to your iPhone. You can no longer be selective and have automatic download, but not automatic upload. You will have to disable the photo stream again after you imported the photos, if you do not want all your new mac photos to stream to your iPhone.
This is the only way I found to to get photo stream pictures moved to my mac and have them stay there even after deleting them from photo stream.
When done, the photo will be in photo app on your mac, and not in photo stream.
Round about method, but I couldn't get other methods to work.
I'm running iCloud Photos, no Photo Stream, no Photo Stream folder.
I'm running:
iCould Photo Library OFF
My Photo Stream ON
My scenario is this:
And this is because I don't want to pay for extra storage on iCloud.
M Senft wrote:
I'm running iCloud Photos, no Photo Stream, no Photo Stream folder.
THere is no service named iCLoud Photos
There are
iCloud PHoto Library
iCloud Photo sharing
to get valid advice you have to give us exact details
Adding Photo Stream photos into Photos