Max number of Rows in Numbers
I have Numbers ver 3.5.3 on my macbook pro.
what is the max number of ROWS I can create on it.
I need around 500,000 rows in a file, is it possible?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I have Numbers ver 3.5.3 on my macbook pro.
what is the max number of ROWS I can create on it.
I need around 500,000 rows in a file, is it possible?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
Numbers won't do it, Excel will but I would expect it not to run well.
Realistically this would be better done with a database rather than a spreadsheet. (Libre Office Base)
Excel maximum: 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns, Libre Office has the same maximums as Excel.
Numbers won't do it, Excel will but I would expect it not to run well.
Realistically this would be better done with a database rather than a spreadsheet. (Libre Office Base)
Excel maximum: 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns, Libre Office has the same maximums as Excel.
Hi Divakar,
Someone will come along and give you a definitive answer but in the meantime you should know that even if Numbers can allow that many rows it will likely not work well.
Hi Divakar,
Just looking through the Numbers Function Browser, and randomly clicking on functions, I found this under the ADDRESS function. It could be that 65,535 rows or 255 columns (not both at once!) is the maximum that Numbers can handle.
The ADDRESS function constructs a cell address string from separate row, column, and table identifiers.
ADDRESS(row, column, addr-type, addr-style, table)
As quinn says, wait for a definitive answer. Numbers is not Excel and will bog down with large tables. I suspect that a document with 500,000 rows is better suited to another app.
Max number of Rows in Numbers