Please try the following workaround (but hopefully 10.10.5 can solve the problem entirely). The command to rescan network ("airport -s") every 5 seconds is:
while true; do /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resourc es/airport -s; sleep 5; done
It works for me. If you would like take a try, just open Terminal and then copy-paste above command then press <enter> for execution. It will display a lot of rescan information but please just ignore them. You can minimize the Terminal window and see if the connection problem solved (actually the network still drops, but within 5 seconds it is recovered, so I hardly feel the drop). The number of 5 in the above command can be adjusted shorter or longer, based on your situation.
If it works, and you would like to make it run in background, then you can first use <control + c> to stop the above command. Then, create and save a script (e.g., named "") with the command above as the content (you can use TextEdit, vi, or any other editor to create one), change mode of it for execution (e.g., "chmod +x"), and then run it in background (e.g., "./ &"), and then you can press <enter> then use "exit" command to quit Terminal.
Hope this helps, thanks!