Here’s what I ended up doing. Maybe it will help someone.
My problem is specifically with the Avid/DigiDesign drivers for the Digi002 Rack audio interface. I think some of my trouble shooting steps can be generalized to anyone who needs to uninstall a piece of software for which the developer does not have a proper uninstaller.
Based on the advice in other posts recommending vendor uninstallers over manual removal, I did try the developer’s uninstaller again. No luck.
"That operation failed due to error 5364" tion-failed-due-to-error-5364?retURL=%2Fpkb%2Farticles%2Fen_US%2Ftroubleshooting %2FDriver-Error-That-operation-failed-due-to-error-5364&popup=true
Here’s a forum post from a user listing things they deleted. It’s old (2010) and incomplete. But still gives an idea what to look for where.
Here are two Avid pages that list files to delete and where to find them terface-Driver-Components-Mac-OS-X
The second link is aimed at uninstalling ProTools. But there are files not listed in the first link which are installed by the Digi002 driver installer. For example: /Library/Frameworks/AFnd.framework
Neither of these frameworks have Avid or Digi in the file name which makes them hard to find using search tools. I found them by doing Command-Option-I (to have a permanent Get Info box open) then scrolling through everything in the frameworks folder. The Avid stuff has "copyright Avid etc..."
The app EasyFind from DevonTech shows things Spotlight doesn’t. Plus it will let you delete items right from the app.
Before you start trashing files, make a bootable clone of the drive.
When you’re trying to delete something like this, most of your files will be in the HD/Library. Occasionally there might be something in HD/user/Library. Use extreme care with HD/System/Library.
You’ll need to enter your admin password to delete a lot of this stuff.
Now for the kernel extensions
/Library/StartupItems/DigidesignLoader folder
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Digidesign CoreAudio.plugin
/Library/PreferencePanes/Avid 002 003 Family.prefPane
/Library/PreferencePanes/Avid 003 Family.prefPane
/Library/Application Support/Avid The whole folder*
/Library/Application Support/Digidesign The whole folder
/Users/CharlesSFloading/Library/Application Support/Avid The whole folder
/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/DigiDioMidiDriver.plugin
/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/DigidesignFireWireMIDI.plugin
/Users/CharlesSFloading/Library/Preferences/com.avid.panel.{F4CDDB0D-C92E-4914-8 2D7-178F384992DF}.plist
/Applications/Avid 003 Family
/Applications/Avid 002 and 003 Family
/Applications/Digidesign The whole folder
/Users/CharlesSFloading/Library/Saved Application State/
/Users/CharlesSFloading/Library/Saved Application State/ com.avid.panel.{F4CDDB0D-C92E-4914-82D7-178F384992DF}.savedState
/Users/Shared/Library/Preferences/ com.avid.device.{F4CDDB0D-C92E-4914-82D7-178F384992DF}.plist
and com.avid.device.{F4CDDB0D-C92E-4914-82D7-178F384992DF}.1.plist
I suspect there are two of these plist files here because one driver tried to install over another…
I know this isn’t all of it since EasyFind revealed a bunch of invisible items with Avid in the file name. I hate to zap any of this stuff since the OS get’s very touchy about changes to these folders.
Empty the trash.
After you get all this stuff deleted, restart your system and make sure things are working. The restart took a VERY long time.
In fact, what happened with me is, when I clicked restart, the shutdown process took for ever. (In computer user terms, that’s 10 minutes.) So I did a force shut down by holding the power button. When I started up again, it took close to 15 minutes to boot. Fortunately, the progress bar did move a little every minute, so I didn’t do something stupid like shut it down again while it was booting.
All I can guess is that deleting all those files left OS X with a lot of housekeeping to attend to.
Subsequent boots were much faster.
When you are booted up, confirm that things run right. (In my case, then meant checking sound settings panels, system prefs, etc to be sure there was no trace of Avid stuff.)
Once you confirm that, save THIS as a bootable clone before re-installing stuff. You want to have this as a point you can roll back to if you need to.
My back-up/cloner of choice is SuperDuper. The developer has insanely great customer support. Some people prefer Carbon Copy Cloner. But the guy behind SuperDuper saved my butt, big time, so I’m loyal to SuperDuper.
I used the digi driver 11.1.3 installer. Tested GarageBand and Logic Pro. Everything works! Even MIDI, which some folks say they can’t get to work in Yosemite. So Lucky me!
*note: When I emptied the trash, it wouldn’t delete stuff in this folder because it was “in use.” LaunchdDaemon to be precise… After the first reboot, I was able to empty the trash.