manually repair GUID table
I have the same problem as in this thread but the solution did not work for me: manually repair GUID table
I resized my bootcamp partition by first creating empty space with disk utility. Then booting into windows and using Mini Tool Partiton manager to expand the partition into the free space. This worked in giving my a bootable windows partition and I can also boot into OSX so I dont want to break it now!
However OSX can no longer mount the bootcamp partition and thinks its corrupted.
Loner T wrote:
Can you start a new discussion and post the output of the following Terminal commands from a new terminal session? You can leave this Gdisk terminal session running as is.
diskutil list
diskutil cs list
sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk0s4 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -C