Do I need 128GB or 256GB PCIe-based flash storage for MacBook Air 2015?
I'm thinking about buying the newest MacBook Air 13" 2015 and I'm trying to decide if I need the 256GB PCle-based flash storage or if 128 GB will be enough? I'm a pretty basic computer user, loved my MacBook 2009 and it's just now running slow. I store some photos, do some basic Photoshop, use the internet for blogging, tumblr, and mostly how I watch movies on Netflix, etc. I download very little music and need basic word processing programs. I will pay $100 for an upgrade to the 8GB Memory but do I need the 256GB of PCle-based flash storage for another $200? I think I'm fine with the 1.6GH processor speed. I have an external HD 1TB, but not sure the PCle-based flash storage is the same thing?? Thanks for any advice that helps to make this decision! Saving money is important but I want a computer that will last as long as possible.