Have Apple tv, but cannot activate the app. Crackle on apple tv help please Suzanne
How do I add the app. Crackle to my Apple tv?
Apple TV
How do I add the app. Crackle to my Apple tv?
Apple TV
Welcome to the Apple Community.
You can't add channels to the Apple TV yourself. If that's Penticton BC it should be there by default providing you have selected the correct country in your settings. Have you checked if you have hidden it by mistake (Settings > General > Restrictions)
Welcome to the Apple Community.
You can't add channels to the Apple TV yourself. If that's Penticton BC it should be there by default providing you have selected the correct country in your settings. Have you checked if you have hidden it by mistake (Settings > General > Restrictions)
Sorry Winston, i am not explaining this correctly. I have the Crackle app. on my Apple tv when i turn on the Apple tv remote, but when i try and click onto the crackle app. it tells me to go to my computer and type in crackle.com/activate on my computer, an then it gives me a four letter code to punch in (on the crackle site), and this is what i cannot find as of yet on the crackle site on my computer. hope you understand all of this ha! ha! Thanks for your help Suzanne
Sorry we don't have crackle here so I couldn't say what's going wrong with their website.
I Had the same problem and just figured it out:
1. This didn't work on my iphone only on my computer
2. Go to Crackle.com and register a new account (have your 4-digit activation code ready)
3. Login into your account on crackle.com
4. Click on Activate A Device in the upper right
5. Enter the code and Crackle should start to play
good luck
Have Apple tv, but cannot activate the app. Crackle on apple tv help please Suzanne