Deleting photos
What would be the best way to QUICKLY delete select photos I just imported? I only want to keep the ones that I "heart".
What would be the best way to QUICKLY delete select photos I just imported? I only want to keep the ones that I "heart".
what software are you using? You posted in the iPhoto for Mac forum but it sounds like you may be using Photos for Mac - please give us the software and version and OS version that you hae
Oh yes--I just upgraded to PHOTOS for Mac. That is why I am trying to find a new editing protocol. It is not as easy as before.
I only want to keep the ones that I "heart".
Create a smart album (File > New Smart Album" with the rule "Photo is not Favorite".
Then select all photos in that album at once and press the key combination ⌘⌫ (command-delete). That will delete all selected photos.
So check them carefully, before you do that.
OK - I will request this be moved to the correct forum
to delete select the photos you want to delete and right click and select delete "n" photos - or hold down the command key and press delete
Deleting photos