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How to import images by default to be inline with text

I use Pages to keep a journal and am frequently adding images (mostly screen shots) as I write, using "Insert / Choose". By default, these images come in as "Text Wrap = Automatic" and most of the time aren't placed where my cursor position is. They can appear several paragraphs up. So then I have to change them to Inline with Text and drag them down to where they are supposed to go. It's a pain. How to I either change the default or import them so they end up Inline with Text and placed where my cursor is? (Using Pages 5.5.3 on an iMac running Yosemite 10.10.5)

Posted on Sep 18, 2015 9:36 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Aug 19, 2017 3:33 AM

Hi all,

I have this issue too, but I found a solution which partially works for me:

I added a shortcut so that as soon as my image is imported I can click a shortcut which aligns it in line but works best when pasting at the end of the document, otherwise it just throws the picture wherever (in this case I suggest cutting the image from its current location Cmd+X and pasting it in your desired location).

So here's how to add the shortcut:

System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts (tab) > App Shortcuts (tab in left pane) > + (sign below right pane)

Select 'pages' instead of 'all applications'

Write 'Inline with Text' in the empty box

Click in the Keyboard shortcut box, then add your desired shortcut (mine is Cmd+i)

Click Add

You are now able to make an image go inline with text automatically - this will work only if you have already selected Format > Arrange

So if you have another option selected while trying to move image inline with (in my case) Cmd+i it won't work.

I guess you can also add more shortcuts to go first to Format and then to Arrange faster but in any case this is a hassle.

If this is annoying you as much as it's annoying everyone else, please fill in a feedback form for pages found here:

Feedback - Pages - Applefor Mac users

If more people complain about this, there is a better chance of getting this issue resolved.

Best wishes to all

13 replies
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Aug 19, 2017 3:33 AM in response to Hank in FL

Hi all,

I have this issue too, but I found a solution which partially works for me:

I added a shortcut so that as soon as my image is imported I can click a shortcut which aligns it in line but works best when pasting at the end of the document, otherwise it just throws the picture wherever (in this case I suggest cutting the image from its current location Cmd+X and pasting it in your desired location).

So here's how to add the shortcut:

System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts (tab) > App Shortcuts (tab in left pane) > + (sign below right pane)

Select 'pages' instead of 'all applications'

Write 'Inline with Text' in the empty box

Click in the Keyboard shortcut box, then add your desired shortcut (mine is Cmd+i)

Click Add

You are now able to make an image go inline with text automatically - this will work only if you have already selected Format > Arrange

So if you have another option selected while trying to move image inline with (in my case) Cmd+i it won't work.

I guess you can also add more shortcuts to go first to Format and then to Arrange faster but in any case this is a hassle.

If this is annoying you as much as it's annoying everyone else, please fill in a feedback form for pages found here:

Feedback - Pages - Applefor Mac users

If more people complain about this, there is a better chance of getting this issue resolved.

Best wishes to all


Mar 2, 2016 10:00 AM in response to Jeremy Chone

I have read here in the community on multiple occasions that internally, Apple uses MS Office for word processing, and InDesign for documentation. Very much like other large International corporations. Here is the data from the recent imac-4k-late2015-essentials.pdf manual. Hmmmm? No Pages here.

PDF Version: 1.4

Page Count: 52

Title: iMac Essentials

Subject: LL019-00122

Author: Apple Inc.

Creator: Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5.3)

Producer: Adobe PDF Library 9.9

CreateDate: 2015-09-24 20:18:28 +0000

ModDate: 2015-09-24 20:42:36 +0000

No release of Pages v5 is up to the task of producing Professional grade documents, as has been born out here on countless discussions. Do not assume that there must be a way to solve a problem in an application this severely limited. Geez, it only costs $20 or free depending on purchase history, but people want it to rival MS Word that has been in continuous development for 32+ years.

Your comment about “Pages being the only application acting like this,” is sufficient reason to use something else.


Mar 3, 2016 9:33 AM in response to VikingOSX

VikingOSX wrote:

I have read here in the community on multiple occasions that internally, Apple uses MS Office for word processing, and InDesign for documentation. Very much like other large International corporations. Here is the data from the recent imac-4k-late2015-essentials.pdf manual. Hmmmm? No Pages here.

PDF Version: 1.4

Page Count: 52

Title: iMac Essentials

Subject: LL019-00122

Author: Apple Inc.

Creator: Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5.3)

Producer: Adobe PDF Library 9.9

CreateDate: 2015-09-24 20:18:28 +0000

ModDate: 2015-09-24 20:42:36 +0000

No release of Pages v5 is up to the task of producing Professional grade documents, as has been born out here on countless discussions. Do not assume that there must be a way to solve a problem in an application this severely limited. Geez, it only costs $20 or free depending on purchase history, but people want it to rival MS Word that has been in continuous development for 32+ years.

Your comment about “Pages being the only application acting like this,” is sufficient reason to use something else.

Not only that, but note how cheapskate Apple is, it hasn't even updated Indesign to CS6!



Aug 19, 2017 4:52 AM in response to LaraMI

That saves you all of one click.

The chances of Apple listening to the flood of complaints and requests, in my experience is zero to none.

It would entail:

1. Giving a stuff what the Users think or do

2. Caring about Users' work

3. Conceding that Apple employees can make mistakes.

None of the above are likely.



Mar 2, 2016 11:00 AM in response to Hank in FL

Hi Hank,

Here's a possible workaround. It's what I've used in Pages '09, and has not been tested (by me) in Pages 5.

When pasting images into Pages ('09), the image will default to the currently active environment. If an object is selected, the pasted image will also be a floating object; if the insertion point is in the text layer, the image will be paste as an inline object at that point in the text. (Images inserted using Insert > Choose follow the same pattern.)


  1. Insert the image using Insert > Choose
  2. Select the image and press command-X to cut it to the Clipboard
  3. Click to place the insertion point in the text at the location you want to place the image.
  4. Paste

As noted, I have not tested this with Pages 5. It does work in Pages '09.




Dec 1, 2015 7:00 PM in response to Hank in FL

I feel the same frustration. I found this trick to somewhat reduce the pain, and it works best if you always insert or paste new pictures at the end of the document.

At the end of the text, insert a page break. Then insert the picture alone in the new page, and change image placement to Inline with text. Finally, drag the picture where you want.

Inserting the image alone on the page keeps it at a known location and avoids having it jump anywhere.


Mar 2, 2016 9:04 AM in response to Hank in FL

This is definitely frustrating. I am doing a long doc with lot of images, and those repetitive steps are very unproductive.

There must be a way. I am sure that Apple people are using Pages to create documentation or some sort of reports that involved images, and they must have hit this problem. Page is the only word processing that act like this.


May 26, 2016 5:40 PM in response to Hank in FL

Using Pages 5.6.2 :

After poking around at this for a bit. I can also echo the above points that their is no current way to use Automator, Apple Script, or even feasibly edit the Package Contents of Pages to make images inline by default.

If I interpreted this link correctly, in the past there was a way to insert images inline by holding cmd. I hope  reintroduces that in future. http://i-work-in-pages.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/how-to-add-objects-as-inline-inst ead-of.html

If you're ok with your images always being centred, one solution I've found is to edit everything in Pages inside a one-column table. Where you can have multi-lined text on certain rows, and images can be dragged into other rows.


Aug 19, 2017 10:23 AM in response to PeterBreis0807

Well aren't you a 'glass is half empty' kinda guy. Actually the glass is all full, air is there...

1 click is better than none.

I have had an issue before, reported it, Apple didn't reply, but 6 months later I found out they did actually fix the issue.

Also, I have had more unbelievable things happen to me - the kind where you'd think there's one in a billion chance, so I'm not giving up any time soon.

But, I can agree to an extent, and disagree with the rest. In any case, there's strength in numbers, and if you don't acquire a lottery ticket, you can't win.

Best wishes



Aug 19, 2017 12:03 PM in response to LaraMI

It is not a matter of glass half full or half empty.

it is a matter of the glass being what it is. In this case we had a glass of excellent vintage quite full and overnight, without warning switched and tainted.

When you have paid handsomely for the bottle of "fine wine" and are given a bait and switch you are a fool for accepting excuses.

Like the old Jewish joke about the two people discussing a restaurant.

"The food here is dreadful"

"Yes and such small portions!"

Speaking of which as I type this, Apple's dreadful Spillchucker is constantly substituting wrong and misspelt words and wrong capitalisation, which I am constantly correcting, slowing me down enormously and whilst inevitably letting unnecessary errors of Apple' creation through.

You can spot the posts from all the people who imagine their glass is half full and don't know/notice.


PS You are misinterpreting the association with reporting an issue and getting it fixed. You think it is you that was the difference. The real difference was the 6 months, in the case of Pages 5 and 6 four years with very little done about the long list of things reported (those were just whatever irked Apple not you) but nothing about the fundamental bad design and shonky ideas which caused the problems.


Aug 19, 2017 12:12 PM in response to PeterBreis0807

To sumarise, the glass is both half full and cheap cask wine when you ordered a la carte.

The waiter with the fake French accent and long black apron may have instantly told you this is on the house but as in real life it is more effective to push the glass away and say why.

All the people who imagine they are "not drinking it right" and imagine they can fix it by adding sugar to the vinegar are just perpetuating the bait and switch.



How to import images by default to be inline with text

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