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Mobile Device Support install

I recently tried to updated to the current version of iTunes ( on Windows 10. I originally used the updater, but the install failed. I then downloaded the full 64bit install file, but that failed to install as well.

At this point I started Google'ing... found a few articles talking about the same issue. Went through the steps suggested by Apple to uninstall everything in a specific order and manually remove some folders if they still existed. Ran the "iTunes6464Setup.exe" install again, and it mostly worked this time. During the install I noticed the Apple Mobile Device Support install portion was rolled back. When the installer attempted to start services, it bombed on starting the Mobile Device Service. When I look in my services list, it's not listed. I tried running the "AppleMobileDeviceSupport6464.msi" in the "...Local > Apple > Apple Software Update" folder, but that fails with no specifics too. It doesn't let me use the "Repair" option because it's not installed.

After about 2 hours of troubleshooting this, I'm at a dead end. Any direction or help would be appreciated. I've tried all of the obvious troubleshooting stuff at this point.

I'm unable to update my iPad to iOS 9 until I resolve this issue because it doesn't have enough free space to update over WiFi.

Posted on Sep 20, 2015 9:26 AM

9 replies
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Sep 26, 2015 7:08 AM in response to Kizmar

SOLVED!!! thanks to the following post: http://www.redmars.com.au/blog/itsupport/327

  1. I uninstalled everything Apple (unplug any Apple devices from USB at this point too)
  2. Then used pnputil.exe to list (pnputil.exe -e) and remove (pnputil.exe -d <name>) every driver who's publisher was Apple (there were 3 in my case).
  3. Re-ran AppleMobileDeviceSupport6464.exe (msiexec -i <exe> -log amds.log), and it completed successfully, but the service wouldn't start at this point (I clicked "ignore" when it popped up the window telling me that).
  4. I then downloaded the full iTunes installer (iTunes6464Setup.exe), and ran it as administrator. Completed successfully.
  5. Reboot...
  6. At this point the Apple Mobile Device Service still wouldn't start. I opened the Apple Software Update program and used Tools > Open Downloaded Updates Folder... to see the separate installers in explorer.
  7. I then right-clicked on AppleMobileDeviceSupport6464.msi and used the Repair option
  8. I then right-clicked on iTunes6464.msi and used the Repair option
  9. Once the iTunes repair finished, I plugged my iPad into USB and waited. iTunes automatically opened because it recognized my iPad. Problem solved.

EDIT: This is somewhat a reader's digest / TL;DR version of all the troubleshooting I did. There were a few things before step #1 that may or may not be relevant. If you landed here and this didn't work for you, let me know and I'll elaborate further.


Apr 3, 2016 3:07 PM in response to Kizmar

When I saw this I thought my problems had been solved. This only started happening recently. I am using Windows 10 but have successfully synced iOS devices before, including my iPhone 6. For some reason, my new iPad Pro 9.7 inch won't be recognised by my computer. In the Windows Device Manager, iPad shows up but with an error. iTunes won't recognise it at all.

Like you, I can't get Apple Mobile Device Support to install on my computer. I've tried reinstalling iTunes several times, uninstalling everything Apple related, clearing the registry, clearing folders, the works. It rolls back during an install at a certain point - everything gets installed except for AMDS. I tried following this guide but that didn't work either. Only one driver gets left on my system, I deleted that, still didn't work. Now I can't even delete the driver because it says it is being used.

Just wanted to let people know this is still happening, and maybe this is happening to other people who just went out and bought the new iPad Pro.


May 21, 2016 10:38 AM in response to matt7895

Itunes is ****! I have two phones + and ipad that i cannot back up and a solution is NOWHERE to be found!?

I am where you are - have tried everything but re-installing windows! But that is the next thing I am going to try out...

How sad is this...


May 21, 2016 11:41 PM in response to turingtest2

I have tried everything linked back to your posts from 2014... My current issue is not to get Itunes installed, it is however to get the AMDS installed. It keeps rolling back for some reason....

I have also tried the Itunes version for older Graphics cards as well, even through i have a brand new one - and it still does not work?



Mobile Device Support install

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