I am not sure what you did in safari.. opening a web page for example at that IP is not going to work with majority of clients.
So you are going to need to do detective work.
1. roll the mouse pointer over the IP and get as much info as possible.. for example MAC address are registered to different corporations.. you can quickly find if the client is apple something or a foreigner. Just google for the MAC address. Go through the list of known equipment and find what is missing from the actual devices on the network in your house.. do not forget printers and other stranger items.. a TV or media player etc.
2. Change the wireless password and listen for screams.. "WHY the internet is not working?" It does not usually take long to then track down one by one all clients with their MAC addresses as you add them back to the network. This is worth recording if you are concerned.. as the Airports are hopeless at showing names.
3. Use a different tool. e.g. Fing or iNet on an iPad or iPhone. There are free versions which are perfectly adequate for what you need.. These tools are FAR and AWAY SUPERIOR to what your Airport Utility shows.
4. Use a real airport utility.. i.e. 5.6 on earlier Mac OS or even windows.. look up the DHCP client lists.
All the useful aspects of the older utility were surrendered to pretty layout in v6 airport utility since Lion.
You can install 5.6 on any Mac OS up to El Capo.. Sierra made much bigger changes and is now not possible. The method is fairly easy but not Apple recommended (after Mountain Lion) and causes issues like sleep not working.. but is still extremely helpful to have log access as well as DHCP client listing.
So here is v6 and v5 running side by side on my El Capo Mac.
One a bunch of pretty icons.. low levels of information.. and the other is a utility.