Is it possible to create a long division worksheet on macbook air
I'm trying to create a long division worksheet for my son with the dividend in the box, not using the "dot-line-dot" symbol. How would I do that? Thank you.
I'm trying to create a long division worksheet for my son with the dividend in the box, not using the "dot-line-dot" symbol. How would I do that? Thank you.
This MAY not (probably not) come out WYSIWYG for this post, so I will take a screenshot -
This MAY not (probably not) come out WYSIWYG for this post, so I will take a screenshot -
Something that you will print, or something that he works with onscreen?
Try (printable) or (onscreen). I found both site with a Google search for long division. You could probably draw up your own templates in Pages or Numbers without too much difficulty.
I figured 😉
Believe it or not, I got my start on a Mac doing Math symbol 'overhead transparencies' for my Dad's electrical engineering seminar classes
MS Word still has the capability to do proper math symbols
The "Object" inserted is an "VECTOR Image" = 'infinitely resizable"
You can look into available FONTs and apps > bols+font+for+mac
You're welcome. 🙂
You missed out the key hint of "Pages" in your initial post which is why I started with a question.
I'm sure it isn't too hard to set out a table with appropriate borders to guide the calculation. Personally I tend to build things in Word or Excel on Windows so I don't have any hints to offer, but hopefully someone else can chime in.
"In all honesty, "Notebook paper" or a legal pad is the path of least resistance to achieve you r goal... some things just cannot be improved upon by technology for a Do It Yourself-er"
You may be right, Chit! That's exactly what I did. Wrote it out by hand. But thanks. I'll checkout that font:-)
Thank you, TT2, but I was asking how to create my own printable page in apple's "Pages."
In all honesty, "Notebook paper" or a legal pad is the path of least resistance to achieve you r goal... some things just cannot be improved upon by technology for a Do It Yourself-er
Is it possible to create a long division worksheet on macbook air