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IPad 2 Crashing after IOS 9.0.2 Update, Useless

My Ipad 2 will hardly run anything since these last few updates. It's been running slower and slower over the past year, with every update. And now it's to the point with IOS 9.0.2, it's almost completely useless.

I've tried all the fixes, reboot, hard reboot, updated on MAC Book Pro.

I personally think for spending almost $1000 less than 4 years ago, I should be able to run simple programs on my Apple Ipad 2.

I've been a faithful customer for years, with everything MAC, and I feel like it's a push to make me by a new Ipad.

Can't you at least give us IPad 2 users updates we can at least use the simplest programs on our IPad2's?

Getting really annoyed.

Posted on Sep 30, 2015 11:37 AM

138 replies

Nov 9, 2015 10:34 AM in response to organum

The thng is, older iPad technlogy doesn't get all of the new bells and whistles that a new iOS offers.

So, I am at a total lack of comprehension why a significant minority of, mostly, iPad 2 users are having such dire issues with their devices?

There has to be some combination of things (of which, obviously, I am clueless about) that is triggering these issues.

Here's, so far, my partial list of iOS 9 features older iPad users get.

Better and easier overall cut, paste, copy operations.

Transparency window effects have improved on older iPad models

The new UPPERcase/lowercase onboard software keyboard.

The new software keyboard trackpad feature by tapping two fingers once anywhere on the software keyboard to navigate the onscreen text cursor.

Home Sharing has returned in iOS 9 (This was sorely missed by all in iOS 8, myself included).

More app icons visible on single pane app folders.

The return to App feature (located at left in the iOS status bar.

Improvements to iOS Mail App

Improved App Switcher (some argue that this is not an improvement, but the new "Cover Flow" action of the App Switcher allows you to quit more than one application, simultaneously, by placing as many fingers as you can reach on each overlaying app, then slide your fingers up to quit the group of apps).

iCloud Drive

The new News App

FInd Friends App ( useless App?)

With iPad 3 and later with Siri, there is the new "Hey Siri" voice activation function.

These are, so far, the only items that older iOS devices receive from iOS 9 that I have found to date.

Nov 13, 2015 5:57 PM in response to Marcsod

The amount of users reporting into these forums with iOS issues with their iDevices represents only a small, but growing minority of users and devices.

There are tens of millions (or more) of iDevice users who aren't having issues with their devices and who don't post in user troubleshooting forums, like those provided by Apple.

Just because the small minority of users having issues, that post here, doesn't mean that Apple is at fault or that Apple is forcing users of older hardware to upgrade to newer hardware or Apple is "out to get your money" for a new device!

It just means that some older hardware has had some arbitrary issue that has caused problems with upgrading to new versions of iOS.

OR there was some unforeseen iOS bug or software glitch or anomaly that has affected a small minority of users devices.

This has always been a common issue across all major iOS AND OS X upgrades/updates.

It a pervasive issue when dealing with OS upgrades/updates with so many users with so many different configurations.

WIth an ever growing iDevice user base, there will be users that will, invariably and inevitably, run into problems.

Yes, it is a small consolation for those who have iDevices that either aren't working properly or not at all, but the issues ARE NOT RAMPANT across the entire user base of iOS devices!

Apple can't test for every device configuration contingency.

Everyone uses these devices differently and have different apps and data on them and older devices cannot use some features of a new iOS upgrade due to older hardware limitations.

There are just too many variables that are out of Apple's control and can't be tested or accounted for.

The retort from those having these issues is that " Apple controls the hardware and software".

That is true for their hardware and their own softwre, but they do not fully control third party developed software and how those apps interact with the iPad hardware and iOS and if those apps could have any effect on iOS upgrades/updates.

For those iDevice users who have devices that are, basically, non-functional or dead, my recommendation is to bring your iDevice into an Apple Store and see if they can diagnose the issues and perform the upgrade in the store for you.

If you have never backed up the data that is on your iDevice, be prepared for Apple to do a restore as new device and try to install the iOS 9 upgrade on an empty iDevice.

If you want Apple to REALLY hear all of your issues and complaints the only way to do this is to post your feedback here.


Apple DOES read the feedback, but they still do not respond with any personal replies.

Good Luck to everyone and I hope all of you can get your iPads/iPhones/iPod Touches working well again!

Nov 15, 2015 10:33 PM in response to tamara m.

My ipad2 has the same issues. ios 9.1 safafri, youtube, photon(another browser)- all crash. app response is super slow and battery life is terrible.

4 resets, 1 back up restored, 1 reinstall, reduced motion, etc, etc...How about instead of another patch or update, sign back on the last ios 7 for"older ipad users? Also I have 37gb left so Im sure space is not an issue.

Has anyone gotten it to work without issue or sacrifice?

Nov 16, 2015 1:54 AM in response to mkeschinger

I have traded iPads with my Wife.

She is using my iPad 3 and I have gotten her iPad 2 and I am using it at this very moment and it is working very well.

How have you been trying to get your iPad back to a usable state?

Doing these upgrades/updates with the iDevice connected to a computer runnng iTunes I have found to be the less risky way to a potentially sucessful iOS upgrade/update.

I consistently have not had any issues with any of the new versions of iOS running on my older iPads.

The features we older iPad users get in iOS 9 should NOT be causing all of these issues that iPad 2 users are having.

Do you use any of Apple iCloud sevices like iCloud Drive or iCloud Photostream?

Nov 16, 2015 6:55 AM in response to mkeschinger

I have tried everything suggested as well with no results. This truly is an Apple problem, not a user problem. If there is a conflict it is with something downloaded from iTunes store of course. I consult with software developers both Windows and Mac and have for more than 20 years, so I do know something about my devices. Apple needs to provide a proper update. We should not have to go through all of this to make the device work, or should be warned that it may not be compatible with some older devices.

I'll be watching for a real fix.

Apple may remove this comment. They don't like it if you say something negative.

If anyone has a real answer to these problems, please let us know.


Nov 24, 2015 4:49 AM in response to j.r.lakeside

I recognize most of the problems (sluggishness, crashes) that people report here. I also tried all the suggested solutions.

One of my clients uses iPad2 devices in their company, and all of those that have been upgraded to iOS9 have these problems.

Of course there are fanboys who say that all of these problems happen in my imagination, or that most iPad 2 devices have no problem, or that Apple actually responds to problem reports. You must live in a powerful reality distortion field to believe that.

Nov 24, 2015 11:06 AM in response to enver63

Here is my updated list of suggested fixes for a slow iPad 2, 3 or 4 model.

Try resetting All Settings found in the Settings App under General and in the right column under Reset.
Try resetting histories and deleting/resetting caches in all of the web browsers you use.
If you use Safari, these functions maybe in the Settings App under Safari.
Other web browsers have their settings inside of the running app, itself.
If your iPad has been activated for iCloud, in the Settings App under iCloud, to the right, under iCloud Drive, tap iCloud Drive and make sure Safari is turned off for saving Safari data to iCloud Drive.
Also, under iCloud in the Settings App, in iCloud Drive, disable the saving feature for any other apps that you DO NOT want data being saved automatically to iCloud Drive.
If using Safari is still causing issues,
Try changing/using another, different third party web browser.
I don't use iOS Safari too much any longer because I found it causing me some headaches on certain websites I, regularly, visit.
I commonly use another third party web browser, Perfect Web Browser (there are others that may suit your web browsing style better, so look at all of them first to see which third party browser may work better for you) and I never experience a lot of the issues that Safari was causing.
In the Settings App under the General tab, to the right under Spotlight sesrch, try disabling the search under apps that really do not need a search, like some games, remotes, apps that really do not need to be searched, etc., to reduce the list for Spotlight to search.
Try turning on Reduced Motion.
This is found in the Settings App in the General tab the left panel.
In the right panel look under Accessibility, the look for Reduce Motion and turn this feature "On".
You should see an appreciable performance increase on all iPad 2, 3 and 4 models.
In the Settings App under the General Tab, in the right column, look for Background App Refresh and turn this setting to "off".
Try a reset of your iPad by holding down both the Home and sleep/wake buttons simultaneously until your iPad goes to black and restarts with Apple logo, then release the buttons.

Good Luck!

Nov 24, 2015 11:09 AM in response to enver63

Also, I have since found that my iPad 2 has become "like new out of the box" fast performance-wise by doing a variation on a normal erase-reset/restore procedure.

On both my iPad 2 and iPad 3, I did a backup to iTunes, then did and erase-reset restore as new iPad, first. Then, reconnected my iPads to iTunes on my Macs and then, I did a restore from backups.

The performance increase from this were noticeable and apreciable and both iPads are operating with a like new performance speed and, in addition, both iPad models have gotten an appreciable amount of free storage space returned to them.

Here is the procedure for this restore procedure and this has already worked, sucessfully, for one other iPad 2 user so far!

First, connect your iPad to USB and sync and backup your iPad to iTunes (make sure your iTunes is up to date).

Then disconnect/eject your iPad from the computer.

From just the iPad, in the Settings App under the General setting, look in the right column for Reset option, then erase and reset your iPad to completely erase your iPad and then, again, from the iPad, set it up as a new iPad setup to factory "out of the box" operation.

Then reconnect your iPad to the computer and make sure to cancel the syncing, by tapping the small X to the left in the top center iTunes display box.

iTunes should detect your iPad and ask if you want to update to the latest iOS version.

Select OK. If iTunes begins to try and sync, again, cancel the sync. Let the update continue until it loads into the iPad.

May take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to update the iPad.


Once your iPad is updated and your iPad appears in iTunes, again, CANCEL the sync, once more.

Select Restore from Backup instead and pick your last backup to restore back to your iPad.

Once the restore is complete, finish setting up the iPad and let it sync back to iTunes you can either cancel the sync, again or let it backup, again.

Then disconnect the iPad.

Do one hard reset of your iPad by holding down both the Home and sleep/wake buttons simultaneously until your iPad goes to black and restarts with Apple logo, then release the buttons.

Once your iPad is back to the Home screen,

In the Settings App under the General tab, to the right under Spotlight sesrch, try disabling the search under apps that really do not need a search, like some games, remotes, apps that really do not need to be searched, etc., to reduce the list for Spotlight to search.

Try turning on Reduced Motion.

This is found in the Settings App in the General tab the left panel.

In the right panel look under Accessibility, the look for Reduce Motion and turn this feature "On".

You should see an appreciable performance increase on all iPad 2, 3 and 4 models.

In the Settings App under the General Tab, in the right column, look for Background App Refresh and turn this setting to "off".

If you purchased any music from iTunes, you will need to redownload that content back to your iPad for playing directly from your iPad and not from Apple Music servers.

Also, if your iPad contained a lot of images in the Photos app, these will take time to regenerate the original AND thumbnail images themselves inside of the Photos app when you first launch it.

I update ALL my iDevices connected up to my iMac and sync'd over USB through iTunes.

My Mom"s and Wife's iPad 2s were still both on iOS 7 and my own iPad 3 this way.

I have NEVER, EVER had an issue with any iOS updates.

Glad you got your iPad 2 to a much better performance level than what you experienced previously!

If you choose to try this, your iPad 2 should be even better running!

Good Luck!

Dec 5, 2015 7:05 PM in response to MichelPM


I did all the steps you posted and they didn't work for me, all I gained was more space. Did any of these iPads have the latest iOS or were they being updated from 7iOS? Did any of the iPads you updated experience the symptoms that people are experiencing after upgrading to iOS 9.1?

THanks for your reply


IPad 2 Crashing after IOS 9.0.2 Update, Useless

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