Good morning again.
Please!!! read it all before pressing a single key.
I did an upgrade over Yosemite. I usually keep up to date my OS.
My machine is a mid-2009 macbook pro. 8GB Ram, 1TB HDD.
You must be careful about the real drive name.
Intellectual Property: This is not a work of mine. I found it in an apple forum.
My whole procedure was as follows:
Turn off.
Start my machine in recovery mode (command-option-r pressed while machine is starting)
On the Recovery mode menu bar (top of the screen) there is the Utilities menu. There inside is the Terminal. Open it.
Type ls /Volumes (-l from line, large, long-) the result (next row) is your HD name.
-Mine is "Mac Disk OSX2" because i did change two years ago my HD by myself. As command line does not recognize spaces, if your HD name has some, you must add the back slash (\) character before each space.
Then follow the instructions sent before, by typing -do not forget the semicolon-. The last command doesn't have it:
cd /Volumes/Mac\ Disk\ OSX2/Library/Extensions/;
mkdir Unsupported;
mv Net* Unsupported;
mv Sym* Unsupported;
mv hp* Unsupported;
mv ndc* Unsupported;
cd /Volumes/Mac\ Disk\ OSX2/System/Library/Extensions/;
mkdir Unsupported;
mv Belc* Unsupported;
mv Eltima* Unsupported;
mv hp* Unsupported;
mv Hua* Unsupported;
mv Netg* Unsupported;
mv Remo* Unsupported;
mv RIM* Unsupported;
mv USBEx* Unsupported;
rm -Rf /Volumes/Mac\ Disk\ OSX2/Library/Filesystems/*fuse*;
rm -Rf /Volumes/Mac\ Disk\ OSX2/Library/Application\ Support/Sym*;
rm -Rf /Volumes/Mac\ Disk\ OSX2/var/folders/*
You must wait few minutes until it finishes, and then without doing anything else (anything) restart.
As I said before. It worked for me. Latter I had some issues with wifi. Already solved in apple forums.
As I mentioned earlier, my old machine now works great (better than when it was new).
I did not a clean install, just an upgrade.
I hope this can help you.
(sorry for my english -not my native language-)