Hi Eric,
Thanks for trying to help, so I tried using the terminal to mount it but all I got was :
Volume on disk4 failed to mount; if it has a partitioning scheme, use "diskutil mountDisk"
If the volume is damaged, try the "readOnly" option
and I can't even read only.

As you can see, it won't let me mount or partition either?
Last login: Mon Oct 5 01:02:47 on ttys000
halls-10-40-253-194:~ Chanel$ diskutil mount force /dev/disk2
Usage: diskutil mount [readOnly] [-mountPoint Path] DiskIdentifier|DeviceNode
Mount will mount the volume in the "standard" place (/Volumes), unless
an optional mount point is specified.
halls-10-40-253-194:~ Chanel$ diskutil verifyDisk /dev/disk2
Unable to verify this whole disk: A GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning scheme is required (-69773)
halls-10-40-253-194:~ Chanel$ diskutil mountDisk /dev/disk2
One or more volume(s) failed to mount
halls-10-40-253-194:~ Chanel$
halls-10-40-253-194:~ Chanel$
As you can see above I have tried several ways. Any other ideas, or do you suggest I try and revert back to Yosemite?