I too am suffering terribly slow Time Machine backups since upgrading to El Capitan on my iMac. I have 2 Time Machine targets:
1) Apple Time Capsule directly attached with Ethernet
2) Netgear RadyNAS ethernet attached to the Time Capsule
(I'm well aware of the limitations of Time Machine with some NAS implementations but it's been working for years with my ReadyNAS's AFP implementation once they added support and I've even performed successful restores -- but your milage may vary)
Since upgrading to El Capitan my backups have become very very slow and haven't actually completed in the past 10 days due to energy saver sleeps. I started a fresh backup to the NAS that didn't complete in days and I've now restarted that but in the past 5 hours since the actual backup started (prepare finished) it's only backed up 471MB ⚠ which is an astoundingly slow rate of 27 KB/sec (seems to have really slowed down in the last hour)
11/18/15 7:33:58.860 AM com.apple.backupd[1022]: 453.77 GB required (including padding), 542.11 GB available
11/18/15 8:34:11.314 AM com.apple.backupd[1022]: Copied 31.9 MB of 432.3 GB, 27703 of 4387514 items
11/18/15 9:34:15.726 AM com.apple.backupd[1022]: Copied 371.6 MB of 432.3 GB, 45124 of 4387514 items
11/18/15 10:34:20.332 AM com.apple.backupd[1022]: Copied 375 MB of 432.3 GB, 68045 of 4387514 items
11/18/15 11:34:20.784 AM com.apple.backupd[1022]: Copied 471.1 MB of 432.3 GB, 91576 of 4387514 items
11/18/15 12:34:23.067 PM com.apple.backupd[1022]: Copied 471.6 MB of 432.3 GB, 130400 of 4387514 items
My MacBook running Mavericks is still backing up fine and fast to both of these same Time Machine targets.
Something seems really broken with El Capitan Time Machine backups.