How do you change the header from page 2 on?
How do you change the header from page 2 on?
When writing a paper in APA format the header on the title page must say "Running head" in front of the title so it looks like "Running head: TITLE OF PAPER". Every header after this must only have the title of the paper so it looks like "TITLE OF PAPER". In pages 5.5 it was easy to make this adjustment all you had to do was hover over the page 2 header and it gave you the option to start a new head from this point forward. This option is no longer available in pages 5.6 or I can't find where it is. Any college student that needs to write papers in APA format and I believe MLA must conform to this standard. I can't find anything in the settings or help guide. Please help!
Pages 5.6-OTHER, OS X El Capitan (10.11.1), Pages 5.6