As we are simply international volunteers supporting you, we have know means of knowing Apple future product plans, and even if we did know, the terms of this open community forbid their discussion.
The best way to know if the runic fonts will work, is to download them, and place them into your local fonts folder, not system font locations. When you sign into your Mac, you are in your home directory. There will be a Library folder in there. If you do not see one, then open a Finder window, and press command-J. This view menu will offer you an option to check Show Library Folder. Do that, so that you can see your local Library folder in the Finder.
Inside your home Library folder is a Fonts folder. That is where you drag/drop your downloaded runic font. You may need to reboot your Mac for this font to be seen by OS X, and appear on application font menus. Give it a whirl.
[Update: try Jeff's recommendation first - /viking]