Iphone unlocked but showing no signal on all networks apart from original carrier!
I have an Iphone 5s 16gb. It is currently on the latest iOS and the carrier is Three.
I purchased this second hand PAYG phone and was told that the phone was already unlocked to all networks. The current carrier was Three and was working perfectly with full signal. I tried to insert a registered GiffGaff sim however it would either show 'No service' Or it would show 'GG' but with only 1 signal strength. This would switch from time to time. I waited 2 weeks to see if this would change but it did not. I then visited a phone shop. I told the guy about the issue & he made me try different sim cards apart from Three, as I already knew that this works fine. EVERY single sim card i inserted showed 'No Service' apart from the giff gaff sim which had the same impact as when i tried it myself. Even the guy at the store had no idea what to do. So i just left it & was wondering if i should just get rid of it.
I then assumed that the previous owner might have attempted to unlock the phone but probably had trouble doing so. Which left the phone in this current state. (my own little theory). So i decided to ring Three customer advisers and ask for a PAC code, hoping that when i insert a new sim it would ask me for the code but it didn't, still the same thing. This issue has gone on for 2 months, simply because i can't use all of my time on this, due to university and work commitments. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO AND THIS IS STRESSING ME OUT! PLEASE HELP!
Like i said, i have the PAC Code in hand, it is valid for the next 30 days. I just thought it might be important to note this, even though i feel as if it won't make much of a difference
Sorry this was so long and complicated, Thanks
iPhone 5s, iOS 9.0.2