Macbook pro not charging the replacement battery
Hi guys
first problem started about 3 weeks ago when the hd cable inside decided to stop working.
i bought a replacement off Amazon and it started working fine again
a week later it decided it didn't want to charge
i thought my charger was broke as the mag light wasn't coming on and my mac wasn't charging
first thing i did was buy a new charger which didn't do anything
the little green lights on the side (green dots) just flickered when plugging the new charger in
Today my new battery arrived from Anker (had good feedback and so on from other users) i popped him in and he booted up nicely
now he's on he's decided not to charge
i done the SMC reset and also Apple Diagnostics which returned the error of 4xxx/4/40000005: Battery
there wasn't a lot of threads covering the 4xxx error
Id be more than happy to buy Genuine apple but can't seem to find a authorised seller of NEW parts
Any ideas would be appreciated and would this problem still be down to the Anker battery?
OSX Yosemite
MBP 13inch Early 2011
8GB Ram (Crucial)
2.3 i5
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5), null