I fried 2 lighting cables--- what do I do?
I Fried 2 lightning cables. Are they under warranty and can I get new ones?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.2
I Fried 2 lightning cables. Are they under warranty and can I get new ones?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.2
I have several cables that look like this. I work at a school were we deploy over 120 iPads and I have seen this with all brands of cables, mostly Apple. My guess is that either debris or moisture is creating this problem when it is being plugged and flipping the cable works.
Fortunately I haven't seen iPads having a problem charging once the cable is flipped or switched, yet. I do fear this though.
What do you mean by fried? If you mean truly fried, I would reccomend having an electrician check your house. The warrenty covers everything that comes with the phone. User damage is not covered though.
2 lightning cables burnt black with smoke and melted (at two different power sources or plugs) this was at the base of the small tip that plugs into the phone---how else can I explain it. And yes I used the correct apple wall charger.
I would reccomend contacting Apple Support to see what they say: https://www.apple.com/support/
As "AJ397" explains, you either have a serious electrical problem in your house or you have been purchasing 3rd party chargers or cables. The only other possibility is that you had a serious power surge or lighting strike that damaged things. Do you have your Apple chargers plugged directly into the wall or are you using at least a surge suppressing power strip to plug them into?
I fried 2 lighting cables--- what do I do?