Ringtone maker app
IM looking for an app to create custom ringtones without having to plug into iTunes. Can anyone recommend one?
iPhone 6
IM looking for an app to create custom ringtones without having to plug into iTunes. Can anyone recommend one?
iPhone 6
I wanted to update and correct my response from yesterday. I was not able to get this to work and thought the function had been removed, but the issue was that my music wasn't downloaded to the iPad. Here is how you can make ringtones with your songs in GB. The songs must be stored on the device for this to work.
Not easily, you need have the song playing or ready to play when you open GB. Then start an audio recorder "song." Since it records through the speakers it isn't as nice. That is why I said depending on the type of ringtone it will work.
AJ397 wrote:
Not easily, you need have the song playing or ready to play when you open GB. Then start an audio recorder "song." Since it records through the speakers it isn't as nice. That is why I said depending on the type of ringtone it will work.
I couldn't really remember. Thanks for refreshing my memory!
Meg St._Clair wrote:
AJ397 wrote:
Not easily, you need have the song playing or ready to play when you open GB. Then start an audio recorder "song." Since it records through the speakers it isn't as nice. That is why I said depending on the type of ringtone it will work.
I couldn't really remember. Thanks for refreshing my memory!
You are welcome.
AJ397 wrote:
Not sure if this will be a double post, but my last reply seemed to vanish.
No, it didn't vanish. Just Jive being fussy. It does this periodically. You may have noticed posts that just consist of a period. When Jive stops showing the most recent post, adding a post of any kind will make the missing ones show up. 🙂
Edit: ARGGH! It looks as if you know that trick! Sometimes I just HATE Jive!
Not possible.
Rats, of course. I always forget about GB. If I recall correctly, though, you can't make ringtones out of songs on the iPhone?
Ringtone maker app