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How to delete raw files imported in photos?

Hello everybody,

i imported via usb cable from my canon 700D some pictures into photos app (macbook air yosemite)

usually i shoot in jpeg+CR2 (so later i can adjust if needed) and the photos app imported both (automatically) (well CR2 is the canon raw file format)

i found out that my photo library now is 15 gb cause of all raw files imported......while i just wanted to import only jpeg

how to delete the raw (CR2) files?

apparently if you delete the photo the cr2 file remains in the library, no way to separate or cancel both.....any idea?


MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015), OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 11:40 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jun 20, 2017 9:14 PM

My problem was that my pictures are a mix between my DSLR and my iPhones. I succeceed when I created a smart folder that found all pictures where there was a RAW+JPG by identifying them by camera model. Then I exported all pictures to a new folder. Deleted all pictures from Photos and also "recently deleted". The opened the export folder - moved the RAW files to a new folder and re-imported the JPGs.

In order to avoid this problem in the future and since I want to continue to use RAW, I copy all files from the camera to a separate folder, then I delete unwanted pictures. Import the RAW files I want to use in a separate RAW-editor (like Photoshop) export the JPG I want. Then I move all RAW files to an original folder which isn't backed to iCloud (I use other backup services for that). Now I import all the pictures to Picture.

Little tricky, but it is worth it.

36 replies
Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Jun 20, 2017 9:14 PM in response to aurgolo

My problem was that my pictures are a mix between my DSLR and my iPhones. I succeceed when I created a smart folder that found all pictures where there was a RAW+JPG by identifying them by camera model. Then I exported all pictures to a new folder. Deleted all pictures from Photos and also "recently deleted". The opened the export folder - moved the RAW files to a new folder and re-imported the JPGs.

In order to avoid this problem in the future and since I want to continue to use RAW, I copy all files from the camera to a separate folder, then I delete unwanted pictures. Import the RAW files I want to use in a separate RAW-editor (like Photoshop) export the JPG I want. Then I move all RAW files to an original folder which isn't backed to iCloud (I use other backup services for that). Now I import all the pictures to Picture.

Little tricky, but it is worth it.

Jan 7, 2016 12:29 AM in response to léonie

yes photo shows the pair as a single photo (jpeg or raw if you choose raw as main photo during editing... if you edited)

i tried to just delete (in my photos app i dont have the Recently Deleted album) but when reimporting the jpeg file (only jpeg) i again have the picture in 2 format (jpeg+raw) which means that raw was not deleted and also the size of the photos library file is the same..... so all raw files are still there....(((

Jan 7, 2016 12:53 AM in response to aurgolo

(in my photos app i dont have the Recently Deleted album)

The Recenty Deleted album should appear in the sidebar with the list albums, as soon as you delete a photo.

The album will be hidden, if it is empty. Are you using El Capitan or Yosemite? In Yosemity you have to reveal the Recently Deleted album from the View Menu.

I an see i this album, that Photos has trashed the pair: The photo is clearly showing the "J" badge.

If you reimport a RAW photo without emptying Recently Deleted, the Master folder in the library will still be holding the previously imported pair and pair the single RAW file with these versions.

User uploaded file

Jan 7, 2016 5:57 AM in response to léonie

hello !!

ive spent 2 hours this morning with apple online chat ..... well is more complicated that what we think

first of all there is a bug in photos (yosemite) as the trash can does not appear..... beacuse i have the icloud synch option and i have the can only in my iphone

then the workaround is to:

-delete all files in my trash bin in the iphone

-wait for the synch

-export all "double" files from photos to some folder (in 3 formats, jpeg+cr2+xmp)..... then delete cr2\raw

-then reimport....

-then should be fine...... but im still waiting the synch to complete......(((

keep you posted....((

Jan 8, 2016 7:30 AM in response to aurgolo

We are now at El Capitan version 10.11.2. - the second update since the first release.

if you are a serious user of Photos, this improvements might interest you:

  • More sorting options for bug fixes
  • It is possible to add locations to photos and to edit locations.
  • You can batch edit several titles and descriptions at once.
  • You can use photo editing extensions for external edits in Affinity, Dx0, or MacPhun extensions:

User uploaded file

<Edited by Host>

Jan 24, 2016 3:21 PM in response to aurgolo


I have exactly the same problem (and so far no solution):

- I have previously imported RAW+JPEG pairs to Photos (Macbook Pro 2015, Yosemite), where they appear stacked

- To save space, I now wish to keep only the JPEGs

- I delete the photos completely (both formats)

- I empty the album "Recently deleted"

- I isolate the JPEGs on a separate, external harddisk that I use only for importing (to be sure the program has no possible access to the previously imported/attached RAW files)

- I check that the total disk space used for photos on my harddisk has actually decreased, after deleting

- I even check in iCloud that the pictures I have deleted have disappeared

- I now re-import the same photos, this time only as JPEGs (once again, from an external harddisk with no possible access to the previous RAW files)

- Result: At first glance, it looks like the photos have in fact been imported as simple JPEGs, but after 10-15 seconds, the RAW files appear too, stacked just like before, taking up in fact the same disk space as before.

I have talked twice to Apple Support, and their final answer is that they can not resolve the problem: It must be something that happens during the transfer, literally that my Macbook creates RAW files when I import JPEGs, and for a reason they cannot explain.

It is important to make clear:

- After deleting the pictures, they do not appear in the Masters folder either (which I have checked thanks to Apple Support)

- This problem does only occur for pictures that I have previously imported to Photos and then deleted again; it does not occur for new pictures (i.e. if I shoot a new picture in RAW+JPEG, or just in JPEG, I have no problems importing just the JPEG)

- I do have an iCloud account / backup but I have no other Apple units (no iPhone, no iPad) that I sync with

- I have not yet upgraded to El Capitan, for exactly the same reasons: due to the extraordinarily high rate of bad reviews/experiences, also concerning new machines like mine (2015).

I am very interested in following this thread, hoping to find a solution.

Best regards,

Ture T.

Jan 25, 2016 12:55 AM in response to Ture T.

Hello everybody....

well i spent several hours in chat with apple in order to solve the issue..........

we tried almost everything: export in jpg and raw, delete all photos, re-import only jpg.... etc etc............ no way.......... after reimporting... in a few minutes the raw files re-appeared in photos as a kind of ghost files

the only way to delete them is:

go to photoslibrary.photoslibrary file (huge file like several giga as contins all pictures in photos)

click with righ mouse and select "show package contents"

open the folder "masters"

manually delete in each single folder all the raw files.........

unfortunately the raw files are stored randomly.... so you have to manually open each folder and check..... and delete....

no other way.... believe me.....(((((



Jan 25, 2016 6:55 AM in response to aurgolo

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for this update concerning your situation. I would like to share the following two experiences:


I first tried out the solution you propose, i.e. deleting the files directly in the appropriate folders under Masters. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me:

- I deleted the RAW file

- I emptied my trash, even executing "Secure Empty Trash"

- I re-opened my Photos library

- The picture still appeared with a "J" (for JPEG), but: when I tried to switch to "R" (for RAW), the program actually couldn't find the file. So far so good. Even though, having such a "ghost" file in my library, making it look as if there were an underlying RAW file behind the "J", would not have been ideal; it would have been difficult to distinguish these pictures from the real/intact RAW/JPEG pairs still in my library; but well, at least it seemed to work. But once again, only at first glance:

- After a few moments, the RAW showed up again, and this time not just as a "ghost" file; it was now possible to edit it and it also took up its usual disk space.

What this means to me is that there is no difference between 1) deleting a picture and afterwards removing it from the "Recently deleted" album, and 2) deleting the picture directly in the appropriate Masters folder. (When the - thoroughly deleted and removed - RAW file re-appeared in my Photos library, it was also possible to find it again in the Masters folder.)


After this experience, I concluded that the only explanation was that the (previously attached/stacked) RAW file is being re-imported due to the syncing with iCloud. So, I decided to make this very simple exercise:

- I paused the syncing with iCloud ("Pause one day")

- I deleted some pictures (RAW+JPEG)

- I removed the pictures from the "Recently deleted" album

- I now re-imported the same pictures as JPEGs only

- And, finally: It worked! No RAW files were created this time. Conclusion: the explanation is to be found in the syncing with iCloud, though Apple Support had claimed this could not be the reason. To double check, I re-connected to iCloud a few hours later, and, as expected, once again after a few minutes, the RAW files re-appeared.

Solution? Well, one solution seems to be to give up the syncing with iCloud. Then it becomes possible to delete RAW files (or JPEGs) and re-import the format one wants to keep (which means to have a normal, logical workflow). But this would be a sad solution, since I would like to make use of as many Apple services as possible, also when it comes to integration of the different programs (like iCloud photo sharing).

One important thing: The deleted files are not visible anywhere on iCloud.com, also not under "Advanced/Restore files". But they must be there, somewhere hidden; at least I see no other explanation to my two experiences described above.

I see two options: 1) iCloud keeps the deleted files as an extra extra security (i.e. in addition to the security solution thanks to the "Restore files" option), for a certain period of time (how long?); 2) iCloud keeps the deleted files forever.

I need a confirmation from Apple concerning this in order to resolve the problem and decide how to proceed with Photos in relation to iCloud. As soon as I obtain such a confirmation, I'll post the answer here. But this is where I am right now.

Best regards,

Ture T.

Jan 25, 2016 8:51 AM in response to Ture T.

Let me suggest the best and very simple solution - if you do not want RAW files in Photos shoot only JPEG - or use Image Capture to import your photos to disk, separate the RAW from the JPEG and import only the JPEG

and another suggestion - NEVER use the finder to make any changes to the contents of the Photos library - doing so can cause library corruption and dataloss


Jan 25, 2016 9:15 AM in response to LarryHN


Thank you for these considerations.

Yes, it is also my impression that one should not make changes to the Masters folder directly - I only did it to test out the advice apparently given by Apple Support (please see above).

My conclusion is still that the RAW files are stored (and re-imported) from iCloud, and I hope it is possible to obtain information about how long time the files are stored there (outside the visible/accessible folders).

Best regards,

Ture T.

Jan 25, 2016 9:30 AM in response to Ture T.

If you are using iCloud Photo Library then the RAW originals are there - to remove them you must export the JPEG to a desktop folder, delete the image from Photos, delete from the recently deleted album and give it time to stabilize and then import the version you want

But again the answer is to not shoot both if you do not want both - you are creating totally unnecessary work for your self adn there is a really simple solution - if it hurts when you do something then stop going it


How to delete raw files imported in photos?

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