Apple TV 4 data usage is unoptimal
With a switch to the new Apple TV (4th gen, tvOS 9.1.1) I noticed a significant spike in data consumption.
Yes, you can say it's streaming and it's HD and then you'd recommend turning off live screen saver.
But hey do the math:
- Aerial screensaver claims 600MB data usage and is set up to monthly update.
- Netflix claims 3GB/hr usage for HD content and is used and I used 7 hrs this week
- Viewed about the same amount of Plex from local server, but that is assumed to be local traffic
- Used 15GB of downloads from my Mac
- Didn't use anything else on ATV
Now to sum up this should give up to 50GB for the past week. Well ok, even if doubling that up, it would be 100GB.
But actually 200GB have been consumed!
Also noticed: the faster the channel, the more bandwidth is used in the end of the day.
I'm looking towards 2 possible solutions here:
- Return my Apple TV and use different media box (see bellow)
- Switching to unlimited data plan
If no optimization is spotted in future updates, will probably will return, fortunately Satisfaction Guarantee program in Costco gives me enough time to understand if this product is actually data black hole.
It is obvious that Apple TV data consumption is far not optimal.
I wonder if anyone has any information about how exactly Apple uses extra data to ATV or if there is a bug that is causing bandwidth leak.
Not only concerned with the internet provider bills, but also about the fact that my internet resources are wasted for (potentially) Apple TV doing nothing useful while other devices on the network struggling with slower connection speed.
Data consumption stats from router based on device MAC address: ATV4 (green) vs. Amazon Fire TV (red)
Apple TV, tvOS 9.1.1, 64GB