Will iphones shut down before they overheat and become damaged?
I am wondering if my iphone will shut off if it gets too hot. I don't want it to get too hot and damage the battery or aything.
iPhone 5s, iOS 9.2.1
I am wondering if my iphone will shut off if it gets too hot. I don't want it to get too hot and damage the battery or aything.
iPhone 5s, iOS 9.2.1
Yes, it will shut off if it gets too hot, and display a message saying that.
Yes, it will shut off if it gets too hot, and display a message saying that.
It is not a shutdown per se, it is deeper than that. A warning comes up, all activity is turned off and the only thing you can do is cool it off. Will not respond to anything else.
But does it prevent the iPhone from damaging the battery?
Since all systems are down, it won't contribute to any further thermal overload. But most times the overheating is external: you left it in the dash under the sun, for example. So temperature can continue to rise up to the point of damage, but the device can't do anything else to prevent it.
Will iphones shut down before they overheat and become damaged?