Here are the homebrew instructions for Python. Start there, if you've not already read through that. If those aren't sufficient, I'd suggest submitting some comments to the Homebrew folks — your feedback here can help the Homebrew Python folks provide better and more targeted documentation.
Your path may already have the location of python in your path; I'd expect to find that in /usr/local/bin, with Homebrew. Here's what the local version of $PATH looks like, though this system has X11 and maybe some other bits yours doesn't and won't.
$ printf "$PATH\n"
/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/lo cal/sbin
In the above, you'll see /usr/bin/local in the first :-separated position in the PATH. If you have that anywhere ahead of /usr/bin, you will not need to modify your path. If you don't have that in your PATH, you'll need to add it.
PATH normally gets configured in .bash_profile or .bashrc, or such; whatever you're using on your system. If you don't have one, probably .bash_profile. See this page for details on configuring PATH and related information on recent OS X...
If you're not sure where a command you're using is located in the file system, here's how to see where a particular command is located:
$ whereis python
If you don't have a python entry locally in /usr/local/bin and do have a python3 entry from Homebrew, then you're probably going to end up adding a link for python into your path (and that's rather less recommended) or (easier, recommended) add the following alias into your .bash_profile — or just enter python3, of course — and this will cause the python command to be the same as the python3 command:
alias python='python3'
There's also the Apple Shell Scripting Primer, which might help learn more about the terms and topics...